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Tarot: The Journey of the Fool
WELCOME to the course (3:48)
INTRO: Introduction to Tarot (0:51)
INSTRUCTION: Program Structure (1:01)
LESSON: The Tarot Cards (2:18)
LESSON: Rider Waite Tarot (1:34)
LESSON: Selecting Your Deck (2:26)
INSTRUCTION: Take time to Comment
THE BOOK: Purchase the Book
SECTION 1: Major Arcana 0 Fool - VII Chariot
Welcome to Section 1 Major Arcana 0 - VII (2:11)
DOWNLOAD: Journal Packet: Section Major Arcana 0-VII
LESSON: Cleansing Your Deck (1:02)
LESSON: The Fool's Journey: Physical Experiences (2:03)
LESSON: 0 The Fool Correspondence (1:57)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/ 0 Fool Card
EXERCISE: Journal on the 0 Fool Card
LESSON: I Magician Correspondence (1:37)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/ I Magician Card
EXERCISE: Journal on the I Magician Card
LESSON: II The High Priestess Correspondence (1:31)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/ II High Priestess Card
EXERCISE: Journal on the II High Priestess
LESSON: III The Empress Correspondence (1:39)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/ III Empress Card
EXERCISE: Journal on the III Empress Card
LESSON: IV The Emperor Correspondence (1:42)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/ IV Emperor Card
EXERCISE: Journal on the IV Emperor Card
LESSON: V The Hierophant Correspondence (1:40)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/ V Hierophant Card
EXERCISE: Journal on the Hierophant Card
LESSON: VI The Lovers Correspondence (1:25)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/ Lovers Card
EXERCISE: Journal on the Lovers Card
LESSON: VII The Chariot Correspondence (1:18)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/ Chariot Card
EXERCISE: Journal on the Chariot Card
LESSON: Respecting the Deck (1:27)
EXERCISE: The Journey Physical Aspects (1:08)
LESSON: Charging the Deck (0:46)
EXERCISE: Month Ahead Card Spread (0:55)
EXERCISE: Card of the Day Spread (0:47)
LESSON: Reflection (0:42)
KNOWLEDGE CHECK: What do you remember?
SECTION 2: Major Arcana VIII Strength - XV Temperance
Welcome to Section 2 Major Arcana VIII - XIV (1:46)
DOWNLOAD: Journal Packet: Section Major Arcana VIII - XIV
LESSON: Arcana and Numerology (7:35)
LESSON: Sun Moon Star (1:03)
LESSON: The Fool's Journey: Soul Experiences (1:24)
LESSON: VIII Strength Correspondence (1:33)
EXERCISE: Spend time w/ VIII Strength Card
EXERCISE: Journal on the VIII Strength Card
LESSON: IX Hermit Correspondence (1:30)
EXERCISE: Spend time w/ IX Hermit Card
EXERCISE: Journal on the IX Hermit Card
LESSON: X Wheel Correspondence (1:35)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/ X Wheel of Fortune
EXERCISE: Journal on the X Wheel of Fortune
LESSON: XI Justice Correspondence (1:44)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/ XI Justice Card
EXERCISE: Journal on the XI Justice Card
LESSON: XII Hanged Man Correspondence (1:54)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/ XII Hanged Man
EXERCISE: Journal on the XII Hanged Man Card
LESSON: XIII Death Correspondence (1:03)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/ XIII Death
EXERCISE: Journal on the XIII Death
LESSON XIV Temperance Correspondence (1:26)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/ XIV Temperance
EXERCISE: Journal on the XIV Temperance Card
EXERCISE: Angel Images (0:29)
EXERCISE: Flower Images (0:19)
EXERCISE: Robe Colors (0:22)
LESSON: The Journey (0:43)
EXERCISE: Card of the Day Spread (0:44)
EXERCISE: Month Ahead Spread (0:36)
EXERCISE: Relationship Spread (1:10)
LESSON: Reflection (0:53)
KNOWLEDGE CHECK: What do you remember?
SECTION 3: Major Arcana XV Devil XXI The World
Welcome to Section 3 Major Arcana XV - XXI (2:36)
DOWNLOAD: Journal Packet: Section Major Arcana XV - XXI
LESSON ANSWERS: Angels on the Tarot Cards
LESSON ANSWERS: Flowers on the Tarot Cards
LESSON ANSWERS: Robe Colors on the Tarot Cards
LESSON: The Fool's Journey Your Spiritual Experience (0:39)
LESSON: Tarot Sections Physical, Soul & Spiritual Experiences (1:03)
LESSON: XV Devil Correspondence (2:14)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/ XV Devil
EXERCISE: Journal on XV Devil
LESSON: XVI Tower Correspondence (1:43)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/ XVI Tower
EXERCISE: Journal on the XVI Tower
LESSON: XVII Star Correspondence (1:26)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/XVI Star
EXERCISE: Journal on the XVI The Star
LESSON: XVIII Moon Correspondence (1:42)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/ XVIII Moon
EXERCISE: Journal on the XVIII Moon
LESSON: XIX Sun Correspondence (1:39)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/ XIX Sun
EXERCISE: Journal on the XIX Sun
LESSON: XX Judgment Correspondence (2:56)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/ XX Judgement
EXERCISE: Journal on the XX Judgement
LESSON: XXI World Correspondence (2:09)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/ XXI World
EXERCISE: Journal on the XXI World
LESSON: Tarot Combinations (1:50)
LESSON: Tarot Cards & Your Astrology Sign (0:40)
EXERCISE: Card of the Day Spread
EXERCISE: Month Ahead Card Spread
EXERCISE: Three Card Pull Past, Present & Future (0:54)
EXERCISE: Three Card Pull Situation & Obstacle (0:38)
EXERCISE: Three Card Pull Situation, Action (0:54)
EXERCISE: Reflection (0:47)
KNOWLEDGE CHECK: What do you remember?
SECTION 4: Suit - Cups
Welcome to Section 4 Suit of Cups (1:24)
ACTION: Suit of Cups: Pull Your Cards
DOWNLOAD Journal Packet: Section Suit of Cups
LESSON: Cups Water (1:37)
LESSON: Suit of Cups (1:56)
LESSON: Cups Ace - Ten (0:28)
LESSON: Cups Page to King (0:52)
LESSON: Ace of Cups Correspondence (1:02)
EXERCISE: Spend Time with Ace of Cups
EXERCISE: Journal on the Ace of Cups
LESSON: Two of Cups Correspondence (1:00)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Two of Cups
EXERCISE: Journal on the Two of Cups
LESSON: Three of Cups Correspondence (1:12)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Three of Cups
EXERCISE: Journal on the Three of Cups
LESSON: Four of Cups Correspondence (1:12)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Four of Cups
EXERCISE: Journal on the Four of Cups
LESSON: Five of Cups Correspondence (1:15)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Five of Cups
EXERCISE: Journal on the Five of Cups
LESSON: Six of Cups Correspondence (0:58)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Six of Cups
EXERCISE: Journal on the Six of Cups
LESSON: Seven of Cups Correspondence (1:36)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Seven of Cups
EXERCISE: Journal on the Seven of Cups
LESSON: Eight of Cups Correspondence (1:23)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Eight of Cups
EXERCISE: Journal on the Eight of Cups
LESSON: Nine of Cups Correspondence (1:03)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Nine of Cups
EXERCISE: Journal on the Nine of Cups
LESSON: Ten of Cups Correspondence (1:09)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Ten of Cups
EXERCISE: Journal on the Ten of Cups
LESSON: Page of Cups Correspondence (1:11)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Page of Cups
EXERCISE: Journal on the Page of Cups
LESSON: Knight of Cups Correspondence (1:22)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Knight of Cups
EXERCISE: Journal on the Knight of Cups
LESSON: Queen of Cups Correspondence (1:24)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Queen of Cups
EXERCISE: Journal on the Queen of Cups
LESSON: King of Cups Correspondence (1:03)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/King of Cups
EXERCISE: Journal on the King of Cups
EXERCISE: Card of the Day Spread (0:32)
EXERCISE: Month Ahead Card Spread (0:28)
EXERCISE: Decision Evaluation Spread (0:42)
EXERCISE: Choices Spread (0:32)
EXERCISE: Relationship Spread (0:42)
LESSON: Reflection (0:41)
KNOWLEDGE CHECK: What do you remember?
SECTION 5: Suit - Swords
Welcome to Section 5 Suit of Swords (1:38)
ACTION: Suit of Swords: Pull Your Cards
DOWNLOAD Journal Packet: Suit of Swords
LESSON: Swords Air (1:10)
LESSON: Suit of Swords (1:35)
LESSON: Swords Ace - Ten (0:32)
LESSON: Cups Page to King (0:37)
LESSON: Ace of Swords Correspondence (1:09)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Ace of Swords
EXERCISE: Journal on the Ace of Swords
LESSON: Two of Swords Correspondence (1:43)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Two of Swords
EXERCISE: Journal on the Two of Swords
LESSON: Three of Swords Correspondence (1:41)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Three of Swords
EXERCISE: Journal on the Three of Swords
LESSON: Four of Swords Correspondence (1:33)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Four of Swords
EXERCISE: Journal on the Four of Swords
LESSON: Five of Swords Correspondence (1:19)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Five of Swords
EXERCISE: Journal on the Five of Swords
LESSON: Six of Swords Correspondence (1:34)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Six of Swords
EXERCISE: Journal on the Six of Swords
LESSON: Seven of Swords Correspondence (1:46)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Seven of Swords
EXERCISE: Journal on the Seven of Swords
LESSON: Eight of Swords Correspondence (1:45)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Eight of Swords
EXERCISE: Journal on the Eight of Swords
LESSON: Nine of Swords Correspondence (1:47)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Nine of Swords
EXERCISE: Journal on the Nine of Swords
LESSON: Ten of Swords Correspondence (2:06)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Ten of Swords
EXERCISE: Journal on the Ten of Swords
LESSON: Page of Swords Correspondence (1:09)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Page of Swords
EXERCISE: Journal on the Page of Swords
LESSON: Knight of Swords Correspondence (1:10)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Knight of Swords
EXERCISE: Journal on the Knight of Swords
LESSON: Queen of Swords Correspondence (1:04)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Queen of Swords
EXERCISE: Journal on the Queen of Swords
LESSON: King of Swords Correspondence (1:04)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/King of Swords
EXERCISE: Journal on the King of Swords
EXERCISE: Meaning of the Horses
EXERCISE: Meaning of the Dogs
EXERCISE: Reading Your Cards1
EXERCISE: Reading Your Cards2
EXERCISE: Reading Your Cards3
EXERCISE: Reading Your Cards 3 x 3
WORKSHEET: Card Spread 3 x 3
EXERCISE: Card of the Day Spread (0:32)
EXERCISE: Month Ahead Card Spread
LESSON: Reflection (0:47)
KNOWLEDGE CHECK: What do you remember?
SECTION 6: Suit - Pentacles
Welcome to Section 6 Suit of Pentacles (1:08)
ACTION: Suit of Pentacles: Pull Your Cards
DOWNLOAD Journal Packet Suit of Pentacles
LESSON: Pentacles Earth (0:29)
LESSON: Suit of Pentacles (1:18)
LESSON: Pentacles Ace to Ten (0:28)
LESSON: Page to King (0:28)
LESSON: Ace of Pentacles Correspondence (1:01)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Ace of Pentacles
EXERCISE: Journal on Ace of Pentacles
LESSON: Two of Pentacles Correspondence (1:29)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Two of Pentacles
EXERCISE: Journal on Two of Pentacles
LESSON: Three of Pentacles Correspondence (1:17)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Three of Pentacles
EXERCISE: Journal on Three of Pentacles
LESSON: Four of Pentacles Correspondence (1:08)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Four of Pentacles
EXERCISE: Journal on Four of Pentacles
LESSON: Five of Pentacles Correspondence (3:39)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Five of Pentacles
EXERCISE: Journal on Five of Pentacles
LESSON: Six of Pentacles Correspondence (1:13)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Six of Pentacles
EXERCISE: Journal on Six of Pentacles
LESSON: Seven of Pentacles Correspondence (1:05)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Seven of Pentacles
EXERCISE: Journal on Seven of Pentacles
LESSON: Eight of Pentacles Correspondence (1:08)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Eight of Pentacles
EXERCISE: Journal on Eight of Pentacles
LESSON: Nine of Pentacles Correspondence (1:19)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Nine of Pentacles
EXERCISE: Journal on Nine of Pentacles
LESSON: Ten of Pentacles Correspondence (1:08)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Ten of Pentacles
EXERCISE: Journal on Ten of Pentacles
LESSON: Page of Pentacles Correspondence (1:05)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/ Page of Pentacles
EXERCISE: Journal on Page of Pentacles
LESSON: Knight of Pentacles Correspondence (0:59)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Knight of Pentacles
EXERCISE: Journal on Knight of Pentacles
LESSON: Queen of Pentacles Correspondence (1:04)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Queen of Pentacles
EXERCISE: Journal on Queen of Pentacles
LESSON: King of Pentacles Correspondence (1:06)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/King of Pentacles
EXERCISE: Journal on King of Pentacles
EXERCISE: Card of the Day Spread (0:32)
EXERCISE: Reading Your Cards1 (2:11)
EXERCISE: Reading Your Cards2 (0:43)
EXERCISE: Reading Your Cards3 (0:37)
EXERCISE: Reading Your Cards 3 x 3 (0:47)
EXERCISE: Reading Cards Overview (1:39)
EXERCISE: Month Ahead Card Spread (0:28)
LESSON: Reflection (0:47)
KNOWLEDGE CHECK: What do you remember?
SECTION 7: Suit - Wands
Welcome to Section 7 Suit of Wands (1:14)
ACTION: Suit of Wands: Pull Your Cards
DOWNLOAD Journal Packet Suit of Wands
LESSON: Wands Fire (0:14)
LESSON: Suit of Wands (1:19)
LESSON: Wands Ace - Ten (0:19)
LESSON: Wands Paige to King (0:13)
LESSON ANSWERS: Meaning of the Horses
LESSON ANSWERS: Meaning of the Dogs
LESSON: Ace of Wands Correspondence (0:56)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Ace of Wands
EXERCISE: Journal on the Ace of Wands
LESSON: Two of Wands Correspondence (0:48)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Two of Wands
EXERCISE: Journal on Two of Wands
LESSON: Three of Wands Correspondence (0:55)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Three of Wands
EXERCISE: Journal on Three of Wands
LESSON: Four of Wands Correspondence (0:50)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Four Wands
EXERCISE: Journal on Four of Wands
LESSON: Five of Wands Correspondence (1:02)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Five Wands
EXERCISE: Journal on Five of Wands
LESSON: Six of Wands Correspondence (0:52)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Six of Wands
EXERCISE: Journal on Six of Wands
LESSON: Seven of Wands Correspondence (0:50)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Seven of Wands
EXERCISE: Journal on Seven of Wands
LESSON: Eight of Wands Correspondence (0:56)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Eight of Wands
EXERCISE: Journal on Eight of Wands
LESSON: Nine of Wands Correspondence (1:04)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Nine of Wands
EXERCISE: Journal on Nine of Wands
LESSON: Ten of Wands Correspondence (0:58)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Ten of Wands
EXERCISE: Journal on Ten of Wands
LESSON: Page of Wands Correspondence (0:58)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Page of Wands
EXERCISE: Journal on Page of Wands
LESSON: Knight of Wands Correspondence (0:50)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Knight of Wands
EXERCISE: Journal on Knight of Wands
LESSON: Queen of Wands Correspondence (0:56)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/Queen of Wands
EXERCISE: Journal on Queen of Wands
LESSON: King of Wands Correspondence (0:52)
EXERCISE: Spend Time w/King of Wands
EXERCISE: Journal on King of Wands
LESSON: The Aces in Tarot (2:16)
LESSON: The Twos in Tarot (1:33)
LESSON: The Threes in Tarot (1:26)
LESSON: The Fours in Tarot (1:20)
LESSON: The Fives in Tarot (1:05)
LESSON: The Sixes in Tarot (0:58)
LESSON: The Sevens in Tarot (1:06)
LESSON: The Eights in Tarot (1:12)
LESSON: The Nines in Tarot (1:03)
LESSON: The Tens in Tarot (1:05)
LESSON: The Pages in Tarot (1:10)
LESSON: The Knights in Tarot (1:15)
LESSON: The Queens in Tarot (1:09)
LESSON: The Kings of Tarot (1:00)
LESSON: Major Arcana Numbers (0:24)
LESSON: Sun Moon & Stars (0:27)
EXERCISE: Card of the Day Spread (0:32)
EXERCISE: Month Ahead Card Spread (0:28)
LESSON: Reflection (0:47)
KNOWLEDGE CHECK: What do you remember?
RESOURCES: Card Spread Worksheets
Card of the Day Worksheet - Major Arcana Pull
Card of the Day Worksheet - Any Card Pull
Month Ahead Worksheet - Major Arcana Pull
Month Ahead Worksheet - Any Card Pull
Choices Card Spread Worksheet
Decision Evaluation Card Spread Worksheet
Relationship Card Spread Worksheet
Relationship Energies Card Spread Worksheet
Three Card Pull Worksheet - Past Present & Future
Three Card Pull Worksheet - Situation Action & Outcome
Three Card Pull Worksheet - Situation Obstacle & Advice
Three x Three Card Spread Worksheet
SECTION 8 BONUS: Tarot and Month Energies
Welcome to Section 8 Tarot & Month Energies (2:46)
Month of January: Month Energies & Major Arcana Cards
Month of February: Month Energies & Major Arcana Cards
Month of March: Month Energies & Major Arcana Cards
Month of April: Month Energies & Major Arcana Cards
Month of May: Month Energies & Major Arcana Cards
Month of June: Month Energies & Major Arcana Cards
Month of July: Month Energies & Major Arcana Cards
Month of August: Month Energies & Major Arcana Cards
Month of September: Month Energies & Major Arcana Cards
Month of October: Month Energies & Major Arcana Cards
Month of November: Month Energies & Major Arcana Cards
Month of December: Month Energies & Major Arcana Cards
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LESSON: Page of Cups Correspondence
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