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Life As An Empath: Blessing or Curse
MODULE #1: Introduction
00 Welcome: Life As An Empath (0:41)
01 About the Instructor: Vialet B Rayne (0:58)
02 Find the Miracle (1:31)
MODULE #2: Definition of an Empath
03 Empath Definition (0:24)
04 Sensitivity (0:35)
05 Exercise #2: Answer 20 Questions Worksheet (0:16)
06 The Questionnaire (3:00)
07 Empath: Questions for Reflection (0:15)
MODULE #3: Blessings & Challenges
08 Blessings (0:39)
09 Challenges (1:05)
MODULE #4: Types of Empaths
10 Types of Empaths (0:16)
11 Emotional Empath (0:36)
12 Physical/Medical Empath (1:08)
13 Environmental Empath (1:00)
14 Plant Empath (0:27)
15 Animal Empath (0:14)
16 Intuitive Empath (0:40)
17 Psychometric Empath (0:16)
18 Precognitive Empath (0:09)
19 Most Powerful Empath (0:45)
20 Empath Affirmation (0:21)
MODULE #5: Life As An Empath
21 Relationships (0:51)
22 Strong Emotions (0:43)
23 Boundaries (0:43)
24 Big Crowds (0:17)
MODULE #6: Awareness
25 Energy Vampire (0:55)
26 Your Navigation (0:36)
27 Dial Technique (1:24)
28 Heart Technique (0:46)
MODULE #7: Tools
29 Simple Tools (0:31)
30 Smudging (0:46)
31 Salt (1:11)
32 Essential Oils (1:01)
33 Energetic Cleansing Blend (0:30)
34 Crystals (0:33)
35 Pendulum (0:20)
36 Breathe Work (0:54)
37 Sounds (0:47)
38 Self-Defense (0:28)
39 Reiki (0:27)
40 Grounding (0:47)
41 Nature (0:43)
42 Be Present (0:42)
43 Alone Time (0:50)
44 Your Guides (0:28)
45 Boundaries (0:24)
46 Unclutter Your Space (0:26)
47 Rest & Sleep (0:47)
48 Chakra Balancing (0:27)
49 Healing (0:37)
MODULE #8: Techniques
50 Filter Technique (1:25)
51 Shield Technique (1:01)
52 Self-Care (1:51)
53 Daily Practice (0:44)
MODULE #9: Thank you
54 Thank you (0:22)
55 Your Feedback (0:38)
Teach online with
41 Nature
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