PROGRAM: Reiki with the Violet Flame, Level 1
Reiki is a healing technique that provides stress reduction and relaxation, and also promotes healing. This healing is administered by "laying on hands" and allowing the "life force energy" to flow through the practitioner to the client. Reiki symbols and healing were used during the time of Atlantis and Lemuria. This ancient healing technique was given within the ancient Healing Temples. The Reiki symbols connect us to the ancient wisdom and healing powers of that time. Before the destruction of Atlantis and Lemuria these teachings and the symbols were moved to Japan.
In Japan, Mikao Usui connected to these ancient teachings. Today, Usui Reiki is offered to students as traditional and non-traditional styles of healing. Reiki is taught in many different forms all over the country and in many parts of the world. We will be offering a non-traditional style of Reiki integrated with the energies of the Violet Flame.
Master Saint Germain has given us the healing gift of the Violet Flame to use for transmutation and transformation. Germain is the Master Alchemist, Hierarch of the Aquarian Age, and the Chohan of the Seventh Ray. The violet flame has been used by saints and adepts to accelerate their spiritual development and growth. It releases all things that no longer serve you and brings in the energies of the violet flame for transformation.
HEALING YOU: This program is focused on YOU! It is about self-healing. The energy of Reiki and the Violet Flame will transmute, heal, and transform your life. Are you ready to accelerate your spiritual growth and ascension?
- Individuals that want a connection with the Violet Flame.
- Individuals that have been working with Saint Germain.
- Individuals looking for a deeper foundation of Reiki.
- Individuals seeking a healing tool for transformation.
- Individuals hoping for a healing tool that will dissolve blocks and negative energies.
- Healing practitioners seeking another tool for their practice.
As a result of this course, you will be able to:
- Understand the history and principles of Reiki.
- Set an Energy Gauge for healing.
- Connect with Master Saint Germain.
- Work in your Healing Sanctuary in the Temple of the Violet Flame.
- Master the energies of the Violet Flame.
- Provide Reiki with the Violet Flame healing sessions.
- Develop a professional business with this modality.
- Opening Meditation
- Introduction
- Reiki Healing
- Saint Germain
- Violet Flame
- Sacred Fire
- Uses of Violet Flame
- Crystalline Activation
- Chakras & Crystals
- 21-Day Cleanse
- Cleanse Journal
- Steps Using Violet Flame
- Power of Sound
- Reiki with Violet Flame
- Energy Gauge Technique
- Gassho
- Levels of Reiki
- History of Reiki
- Principles of Reiki
- Reiki Teachings
- Working with Reiki
- The Chakras
- The Seven Bodies
- Elevating Your Guides
- Attunement
- Activating Your Reiki
- Balancing Chakras
- Self-Treatments
- Practice Balancing Chakras
- Opening Meditation
- Symbols
- Power Symbol
- Marsaru Emoto (Water)
- The Light Rays
- Connect to Love
- Energetic Disconnection
- Reiki Treatments
- Your Reiki Work
- Being of Service
- Reiki Practitioner
- Session Outcomes
- Legal Considerations
- Professional Business
- Pricing Services
- Business Structure
- Setting Space
- Clearing Space
- Attunement
- Healing Practice
This program will support you on your spiritual path. Individuals taking this program will receive:
- Full attunement to Reiki with the Violet Flame, 1st and 2nd Degree.
- Two cleansing opening meditations.
- The history, principles, and teachings of Reiki.
- The uses, processes, and steps in working with the Violet Flame
- Reconnection to their Healing Sanctuary at the Temple of the Violet Flame.
- Connection and guidance from Master Saint Germain.
- Instruction on Reiki with the Violet Flame.
- Hands-on practice with Reiki with the Violet Flame.
- Practical & legal guidance for practicing.
- Business tools for opening a spiritual business.
- Requirements for teaching Reiki with the Violet Flame.
Reiki with the Violet Flame by Vialet B Rayne
- Successful completion of the online program. There are multiple quizzes in the program. It requires a 70% pass rate.
- Completion of four (4) in-person sessions. After completing the session, have the individual complete documentation for the session. You may do each of the sessions with the same person at different days and times OR I highly recommend doing the sessions with the different people, so you get a broader range of feedback.
- You need to complete one (1) virtual session. They can complete the form OR they can send you the information via email.
- You will be required to forward your documentation to Vialet to receive your Certificate of Completion.
Teaching Requirements:
If you would like an opportunity to teach this program to individuals in your area, you must complete these requirements:
- Successful completion of all of the Reiki with the Violet Flame programs (Level 1, Level II, & Level III).
- Successful completion of the Course Design & Delivery program. There are multiple quizzes in the program. It requires a 70% pass rate. You may take this course online or in-person at Discover Your Spiritual Gifts in Littleton, CO. Keep in mind that this program requires that you complete demonstrations of lectures, storytelling, etc. If you take the course online, you will be required to video record your homework and to submit the assignments to Vialet.
- You must complete 20 positive Reiki with the Violet Flame sessions with family, friends, and clients. Documentation will be provided to complete for all of these sessions.
Course Materials for Teachers
You will receive course materials from Vialet for your programs. The handouts can be downloaded on the online Teachable program. You must have a minimum of two (2) students per class. You will need a massage table to practice the healing sessions.
Program Requirements
You are required to complete the hands-on practice healings required for each program. The information will be provided in each program.
You must email Vialet at [email protected] to order your Reiki with the Violet Flame books. She will need to be contacted 3-4 weeks in advance. It takes 2-3 weeks to print, mail, and receive the books.
COST: $25 per book + $20 teaching fee for the course.
We will invoice you $45 per book order. You set your prices and collect your own course fees. Make sure that you conduct your cost vs revenue analysis for course pricing. You will need to align your course fees with market. If you undercut your pricing, it can be difficult to move your pricing to the market levels. NOTE: Pricing may be adjusted based on the cost of the books. The price will be updated on platform.
Student Complete Requirements
After the students have completed your in-person class, you will email Vialet the student names and email addresses. Vialet will enroll them into the online course. You can email Vialet at [email protected].
Vialet will email the students the Certificate of Completion after they have:
- Successfully completed the online course.
- Passed the online quizzes by 70%.
- Documented four (4) in-person Reiki sessions and one (1) distant Reiki session.
They will need to provide you the documentation. You can email Vialet for the Certificate of Completion. It will be created and provided in a pdf form.
Your Instructor
Vialet B Rayne is a magical creator of Discover Your Spiritual Gifts (DYSG). She has been teaching and building courses and programs for professionals, spiritual seekers and students for over twenty years. She is a dynamic speaker and a compassionate and loving spiritual leader.
She took her first traditional Usui Reiki program in 2008 and completed the master level in 2009. Vialet took multiple types of traditional and non-traditional Reiki classes from 2008 - 2017. She was seeking a sacred & reverent experience with energy healing. Vialet developed her own non-traditional Reiki program to bring in sacredness to the healing process. She offered her first class in 2017.
In February 2017, Vialet heard about Angelic Reiki. She had a strong connection to Angels and was very drawn to this healing modality. Vialet complete all the Angelic Reiki programs in 2017 and began offering these classes at her center.
In the Summer of 2018, she took a Kaurna Reiki class. This experience connected her with Quan Yin and additional Reiki symbols.
In 2017, Vialet received her first Fairy Reiki session. She loved how the fairies provided gentle and playful healing for emotional wounds and blocks. Vialet found an online Fairy Reiki Certification and became a master teacher in 2018. She was interested in providing a Fairy Reiki program at the center. In 2023, she developed her own program of Fairy Reiki and wrote a book to support the class. This class is offered both in-person and online.
In 2019, she developed her own program of Reiki with the Violet Flame. Saint Germain asked her to develop a program that merge the two powerful healing modalities of Reiki and the Violet Flame. The class was offered for a few years at the center by Salina Leslie. In 2023, she expanded the teachings and Saint Germain encouraged her to start offering the program again. This program is offered both in-person and online.
There are many different types of Reiki and they all offer different approaches to healing. Each of them allow the healer to bring in different tools and processes into their healing practice.
Course Curriculum
PreviewVIDEO: Welcome (4:58)
StartPROGRAM: Syllabus
StartWELCOME: Reiki with the Violet Flame
StartYOUR BOOK: Online Students Order Your Book (1:03)
StartRESOURCES: Books & Cards
StartTEACHABLE: Online Resource
StartGOALS: Program Goals
StartDISCOUNTED: Vialet's Sessions
StartCOMMENT: Please Engage with Us
StartMEDITATION: Opening (5:10)
StartLESSON: Introduction to Reiki & Violet Flame (2:02)
StartLESSON: Reiki Healing (2:12)
StartEXERCISE: Energy Ball (2:20)
StartLESSON: Saint Germain (0:33)
StartVIDEO: Saint Germain & Violet Flame
StartLESSON: Violet Flame (0:49)
StartLESSON: Violet Flame is the Sacred Fire (1:29)
StartKNOWLEDGE CHECK: What do you remember?
StartLESSON: How does the Violet Flame Work? (1:26)
StartLESSON: Uses of the Violet Flame (1:03)
StartMEDITATION: Violet Flame Activation
StartLESSON: Love (0:18)
StartLESSON: Crystals for Chakras (1:22)
StartEXERCISE: Choose Your Crystals
StartLESSON: 21 Day Cleanse (1:14)
StartHOMEWORK: 21 Day Cleanse
StartWORKSHEET: 21 Day Cleanse
StartLESSON: Steps for Using the Violet Flame (1:40)
StartLESSON: Power of Sound (0:47)
StartLESSON: Reiki with the Violet Flame (1:19)
StartLESSON: Energy Gauge Technique (1:41)
StartLESSON: Uses of the Violet Flame (1:03)
StartLESSON: Gassho (0:48)
StartKNOWLEDGE CHECK: What do you remember?
StartLESSON: Levels of Reiki Training (0:33)
StartHOMEWORK: Read the History of Reiki
StartLESSON: Five Principles of Reiki (1:33)
StartLESSON: Reiki Teachings (2:02)
StartKNOWLEDGE CHECK: What do you remember?
StartLESSON: Permission Based (1:31)
StartLESSON: Chakras (2:08)
StartCORRESPONDENCE: Sacral Chakra
StartCORRESPONDENCE: Solar Plexus Chakra
StartCORRESPONDENCE: Throat Chakra
StartCORRESPONDENCE: Third Eye Chakra
StartLESSON: Chakras Outside of the Body (0:35)
StartLESSON: Karmic Chakra #8 (0:43)
StartCORRESPONDENCE: Karmic Chakra
StartLESSON: Soul Star Chakra #9 (1:00)
StartCORRESPONDENCE: Soul Star Chakra
StartLESSON: Earth Star Chakra #10 (0:53)
StartCORRESPONDENCE: Earth Star Chakra
StartLESSON: Transmutation Chakra #11 (0:59)
StartCORRESPONDENCE: Transmutation Chakra
StartLESSON: Seven Bodies (1:21)
StartLESSON: Different Bodies (1:21)
StartLESSON: Retiring, Clearing & Elevating Your Guides (0:52)
StartLESSON: Attunement (2:13)
StartDAY 1 ATTUNEMENT (20:01)
StartKNOWLEDGE CHECK: What do you remember?
StartLESSON: Activate Your Reiki (1:36)
StartLESSON: Balancing the Chakras (0:58)
StartHANDOUT: Emotional Balance Technique
StartVIDEO DEMONSTRATION: Balancing the Chakras for Emotional (1:49)
StartHANDOUT: Intellectual Balance Technique
StartVIDEO DEMONSTRATION: Balancing the Chakras for Intellect (1:08)
StartHANDOUT: Quick Chakra Balance Technique
StartVIDEO DEMONSTRATION: Balancing the Chakras for Quick Method (0:33)
StartHANDOUT: Self Treatments
StartMEDITATION: Opening (5:10)
StartLESSON: Symbols (1:25)
StartLESSON: Reiki Symbols (1:04)
StartLESSON: Power Symbol Cho-Ku-Rei (CKR) (2:00)
StartLESSON: Water Experiments (3:24)
StartVIDEO: Masaru Emoto's Water Experiments
StartLESSON: The Light Rays (2:25)
StartLESSON: Connect to Love (0:44)
StartLESSON: Disconnect from Client (0:58)
StartLESSON: Reiki Treatments (1:23)
StartLESSON: Your Reiki Work (1:30)
StartKNOWLEDGE CHECK: What do you remember?
StartLESSON: Being of Service (1:16)
StartLESSON: Reiki Practitioner (1:22)
StartLESSON: Outcomes from Sessions (2:30)
StartLESSON: Legal Considerations (1:24)
StartLESSON: Practicing in Colorado (1:38)
StartLESSON: Liability Insurance (1:25)
StartLESSON: Minister License (1:04)
StartLESSON: Professional Business (3:21)
StartLESSON: Pricing Services (3:10)
StartLESSON: Business Structure (2:26)
StartLESSON: Setting Space (1:27)
StartLESSON: Clear Spaces with Reiki (1:48)
StartDAY 2 ATTUNEMENT (26:04)
StartHANDOUT: Simple Treatment Steps
StartHANDOUT: Reiki Treatment Steps
StartVIDEO: Full Session Demonstration (9:56)
StartHANDOUT: Quick Reference Guide
StartHANDOUT: What to Expect Guide
StartKNOWLEDGE CHECK: What do you remember?
StartDISCLOSURE: Client Agreement
StartFORM: Reiki Documentation
Thank you for purchasing this course. These guidelines define the expectations and guidelines for the course.
You will have access to this class for the lifetime of the course. As the creator, I do not have a guarantee of my life span, the timeline of the course application, internet access, etc. However, you will continue to have access until the course is no longer available.
All the registered students will be notified at least sixty days prior to the course being archived, retired, deleted, transferred, etc. If the course is updated or moved, you will be notified and given access to the new updated course materials, with the exception of the book.
This program is non-refundable.
- You must complete the entire online course. The online platform will require that you complete the lessons in order. All the videos must be watched. There are several Knowledge Check quizzes throughout the program. These are open book. The tests require a minimum of a 70% passing score and you may repeat the test up to 13 times.
- You need to complete four (4) in-person sessions. After completing the session, have the individual complete the documentation for the session. You may do each of the sessions with the same person at different days and times OR I highly recommend doing the sessions with the different people, so you get a broader range of feedback. These sessions can be with family and/or friends. You must complete the documentation for each session.
- You need to complete one (1) virtual session. They can complete the form OR they can send you the information via email. You must complete the documentation for the session.
Send the documentation to Vialet at [email protected] along with the spelling of the name you would like on your certificate. Documentation form provided in course.
The comments provided in this section of the course will be used as testimonials in our marketing. If you comment, you are giving us permission to use it for marketing. We love to share the experiences from our students with our community.
As with any educational spiritual program, your experience is going to vary from the other students' experiences and testimonials. Spiritual growth, self-actualization, healing and transformation are personal and subjective - and results will vary from individual to individual. Your path is dependent on how much time and commitment you are willing to put into the teaching and the time dedicated to practicing the concepts and processes. Since these factors differ for each individual, we cannot guarantee results. This is not a "Quick Fix" approach to healing.